The Purpose of Stratford & District Model Railway Club
Railway modelling can be a solitary hobby, the purpose of the Stratford & District Model Railway Club is to promote and encourage participation in the hobby of model railways and to foster social and recreational fellowship.
There is no ‘pecking order’ in the club. All members views are equal, from the founding members to the person just joined. Subsequently, everyone’s input counts equally. This applies both in day to day operations, the design and construction of layouts, and social events.
Members are encouraged, but not required to participate in the club (although there is an excellent selection of biscuits normally available for those who just want to talk ‘trains’!). If you want to join a model railway club, but don’t feel like getting down and dirty and working on one, you are not forced to. As long as you pay your subscriptions regularly, you are a member in good standing at the club (of course, helping out is always fun!)
No skills are required to join the club. Many people interested in model railways can look at a club’s layout and find it daunting. They may feel that they don’t have enough skills to contribute to the current layouts. Here at the S&DMRC, learning is high on the club priority list. If a member has a desire to learn a modelling skill, there are people at the club ready and willing to teach. So if you’re an operator who wants to lay track, a scenery maker who wants to learn how to do wiring, or a novice who wants to learn a little bit of everything, all club members are friendly, open and approachable, and will share knowledge and experience with anyone who asks.
We meet on various days during the week to suit members. So whatever your skill level or model interest, from expert to complete novice, all are welcome at the S&DMRC.
The Committee
Please consider making a donation to help with the operations of the club – Thank You